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“On the Verge of a New Era”

Schut, Laura (2020) “On the Verge of a New Era”. Master thesis, M Religion and Cultural Heritage.

1920-RCH Schut, A.L. Ma-thesis.pdf

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This thesis explores the 21st century museology in two exhibitions of Museum Catharijneconvent in the past two decades. The research seeks to uncover how Museum Catharijneconvent’s narrative has been changing over these decades. A theoretical framework analyzes three aspects of museal change and its causes. Firstly, several factors appear to be influential on museums in general, such as curatorial intention and the source community’s memory or experience. Secondly, the ideas of the new museology affect museum practice and continue to reshape its direction alongside societal change. Thirdly, secularization has been changing the museum’s direction as a result of their place in society and religious identity. After creating a theoretical framework to explore the theory on all three of these aspects, the thesis will analyze how the museum shaped its narrative through exhibitions. Two exhibitions displaying remarkably dissimilar topics will be explored: All Kinds of Angels (2008) and Here in our very own Bible Belt (2019). Both of the exhibition’s narratives have been clearly shaped by curatorial intention, source communities, the ideas of the new museology and secularization. Analyzing the exhibitions created insights in the way Museum Catharijneconvent communicates different types of stories, while staying close to their mission, identity and core values. Exhibitions are unique and are approached differently. Exhibitions respond to a different part of society and include different parts of heritage, with different source communities involved. Exhibitions, apparently, respond to then current events. This demonstrates how Museum Catharijneconvent is not only in service of society, but also represents society.

Type: Thesis (Master)
Supervisors (RUG):
SupervisorE-mailTutor organizationTutor email
Weir, T.H.Faculteit GGW, Christendom en
Irving, A.J.M.Faculteit GGW, Cultuurgeschiedenis van het
Degree programme: M Religion and Cultural Heritage
Academic year: 2019-2020
Date of delivery: 08 Apr 2021 13:43
Last modified: 08 Apr 2021 13:43
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