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How did Hezbollah's hybrid identity help them to establish an influential presence and power in Lebanon? A case study on the religious organization of Hezbollah.

El Khattab, Christos How did Hezbollah's hybrid identity help them to establish an influential presence and power in Lebanon? A case study on the religious organization of Hezbollah. Master thesis, Master Religion Conflict and Globalisation.

2021-2022 RCG El Khattab, C. Master thesis.pdf - Submitted Version

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This Thesis aims to investigate Hezbollah’s Hybrid Identity and how it helps them establish its presence and power in Lebanon. Hezbollah is a political entity with a large influence and history that shapes the modern history of Lebanon. I’ve collected a variety of viewpoints and perceptions about the organization and I have analyzed Hezbollah as a political entity. It would focus on key aspects such as the hybrid identity, policy and ideology of Hezbollah. In the first section, I would focus on the internal organization and domestic policy but also on what secular characteristics the organization borrows from other groups in Lebanon. The second part is on its ideological framework that defines its ideology of resistance and similarities with other resistance movements in Lebanon and the rest of the world. Last but not least, the comparison to other Islamic fundamentalist groups in other sections of academia and the label of ‘’terrorist organization. This thesis showcases an alternative view on Hezbollah that goes beyond the labels and exams the organization as a sociopolitical entity rather than as an Islamist Fundamentalist group.

Type: Thesis (Master)
Supervisors (RUG):
SupervisorE-mailTutor organizationTutor email
Tarusarira, J.Faculteit GGW,
Carpenedo Rodrigues, M.Faculteit GGW, Christendom en
Degree programme: Master Religion Conflict and Globalisation
Academic year: 2021-2022
Date of delivery: 14 Oct 2022 08:26
Last modified: 14 Oct 2022 08:26
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